- Hat Designs (Word)
- Sewing Foundations (PDF)
- Sewing Techniques (Word)
- 3 Hour Unisex Shorts
- Collars, Curtains & Kings: Exploring the History of Lace
- Saris, Kimonos, Togas & Smocks: Exploring Clothing Across Cultures
- The Future of Fashion Case Study (PDF)
- Ethically Sourced Garments Case Study (PDF)
- Hat Designs Grading Sheet (Word)
- Project Offway (Word)
- Where in the World Is this Made Directions (Word)
- Where in the World Is this Made Journal Entry (Word)
- Where in the World Name Tags (Word)
4-H Curriculum
- Smart Shopper Workbook (PDF)
- Smart Shopper Evaluation Sheet (PDF)
- Clothing Construction Levels (PDF)
- Collage Banner (PDF)
- Holes & More Holes (PDF) – test fabrics by running them over sandpaper
- License to Drive (PDF) – sewing on the lines
- Puppet Party (PDF) – sewing a puppet